Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Too Little Too Late?

Hey Guys,

Chris here. I'm playing on Aint It Cool News, like I normally do, when I start looking at the coming attractions for DVD's. Things look fine and as they should be; we have the 3rd season of "Boston Legal" September 15th, "Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Volume 11" ohhh god, and season 3 of "Lost" coming out December 11th (which is very late it sounds) which was going to get the subject of todays blog. But, another release caught my eye that got my attention...

"Superman: Doomsday"

Any comic-buff knows this title, like any Christian knows "Our Father" - this is the most famous title in comic history. The series where the Man of Steel is ultimately defeated by a super-creature, conveniently named - Doomsday.

What is this? I ask. I didn't hear about this and isn't it a little too late? This series began and ended 15 years ago, why now? So being the curious guy I am I check it out. Is it a documentary or a feature?

Believe it or not, a feature. Full-length adaptation of the film being released on straight-to-dvd market. Amazon has some information on it, not much, just some reviews and those are just fans who have not seen it but are reviewing it anyway since they have nothing else better to do.

Oh, I'm not reviewing it... I'm just writing about it - difference.

So, being the very curious guy that I am I head over to youtube to do some more searching and hopefully get a clip or two of the feature. Instead what I get is this:

Now, it's time for my two cents.

Truthfully, it looks good however I have a bias. I am a huge admirer of the last son of krypton and if you ask me, anything "Superman" looks good, even "Superman 64" (piece of crap). "Superman: Doomsday - The Movie" looks entertaining, nothing more. I'll definitely watch it, will I like it? Probably, but I won't love it is my prediction. Looks a bit cheesy and not very loyal to the graphic novel released back in '93.

To boot, the animation and art looks nothing like the artwork done in the original series. WB simply took the overused animation from the more recent "Superman" and "Justice League" series and went that. If WB wanted it to be like the comic, it should look like the comic. Much like "Teen Titans", arguably my favorite current DC Comic series out there but with the worst animated series since it's nowhere near loyal to the comic.

Maybe I'll be completely right or completely wrong. Who knows?

Anyways, I've got stuff to do.

Later guys.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is one thing I don't like about the way they describe the whole Superman/Doomsday movie in the trailer. Superman did die yes, but he wasn't defeated. If that was the case Doomsday would still be running amok (I love that word) in the DC Universe since no one else could kill him. What Supes did was sacrifice himself to take down Doomsday to save the people he loved. That's all ... peace.