Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Too Little Too Late?

Hey Guys,

Chris here. I'm playing on Aint It Cool News, like I normally do, when I start looking at the coming attractions for DVD's. Things look fine and as they should be; we have the 3rd season of "Boston Legal" September 15th, "Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Volume 11" ohhh god, and season 3 of "Lost" coming out December 11th (which is very late it sounds) which was going to get the subject of todays blog. But, another release caught my eye that got my attention...

"Superman: Doomsday"

Any comic-buff knows this title, like any Christian knows "Our Father" - this is the most famous title in comic history. The series where the Man of Steel is ultimately defeated by a super-creature, conveniently named - Doomsday.

What is this? I ask. I didn't hear about this and isn't it a little too late? This series began and ended 15 years ago, why now? So being the curious guy I am I check it out. Is it a documentary or a feature?

Believe it or not, a feature. Full-length adaptation of the film being released on straight-to-dvd market. Amazon has some information on it, not much, just some reviews and those are just fans who have not seen it but are reviewing it anyway since they have nothing else better to do.

Oh, I'm not reviewing it... I'm just writing about it - difference.

So, being the very curious guy that I am I head over to youtube to do some more searching and hopefully get a clip or two of the feature. Instead what I get is this:

Now, it's time for my two cents.

Truthfully, it looks good however I have a bias. I am a huge admirer of the last son of krypton and if you ask me, anything "Superman" looks good, even "Superman 64" (piece of crap). "Superman: Doomsday - The Movie" looks entertaining, nothing more. I'll definitely watch it, will I like it? Probably, but I won't love it is my prediction. Looks a bit cheesy and not very loyal to the graphic novel released back in '93.

To boot, the animation and art looks nothing like the artwork done in the original series. WB simply took the overused animation from the more recent "Superman" and "Justice League" series and went that. If WB wanted it to be like the comic, it should look like the comic. Much like "Teen Titans", arguably my favorite current DC Comic series out there but with the worst animated series since it's nowhere near loyal to the comic.

Maybe I'll be completely right or completely wrong. Who knows?

Anyways, I've got stuff to do.

Later guys.


Saturday, June 23, 2007

This Weeks EW

Hey Guys,

Chris here. This weeks Entertainment Weekly is a good buy (even though most of them are, so what makes this an exception?) since it holds their list of the "Top 25 Greatest Action Movies Of All Time".

Of course I bought it and sunk my teeth right into. The list didn't surprise me in the least, some I like and some I don't. I would put some on my list and others not-so-much. So without further ado, theirs and my list of the "25 Greatest Action Films Of All Time".

Entertainment Weekly List
Ranked Least To Greatest

25- The Incredibles
24- Lethal Weapon
23- Drunken Master II
22- Predator
21- Spiderman 2
20- Kill Bill Vol 1
19- Goldfinger
18- The Adventures Of Robin Hood
17- The Bourne Supremacy
16- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
15- Enter The Dragon
14- Robocop
13- The Wild Bunch
12- The Empire Strikes Back
11- Speed
10- T2
9- Hard-Boiled
8- Saving Private Ryan
7- Gladiator
6- Seven Samurai
5- The Matrix
4- The Road Warrior
3- Raiders of the Lost Ark
2- Aliens
1- Die Hard

Wow! Nice list, is mine even comparable? Let's look and find out...

My List
Ranked Least To Greatest

25- Daylight: This is my favorite Stallone Non-Rocky/Rambo movie. Great action and I watch it whenever it's on just like everyone else. Yeah, it's cheesy; but hey, that's why we love it.

24- Fantastic Four - Rise Of The Silver Surfer: An eye-opener for the franchise and thinking I'd hate it I ended up loving it and that is why it makes the list. See my review.

23- The Rundown: The Rocks best role in my opinion and a great movie with great action, awesome story, and cool dialogue. Rosario Dawson looks great in it and Sean William Scott steals the movie. Check it out.

22- Spiderman 2: Hated the first one, but loved this one. Don't ask me why.

21- Total Recall: This movie is down and out awesome. One of Arnolds better roles and arguably his best sci-fi movie. I own it and will never get tired of watching it. Sharon Stone is hot in it also. Big surprise!

20- Minority Report: My favorite Tom Cruise film and also my favorite film based on a Phillip K. Dick book (yes even more than "Blade Runner") puts this movie in my list.

19- Back To The Future Part II: This film actually has great action sequences believe it or not and some of the best flying car scenes ever on film. The hoverboard chase in the tunnel between Marty and Biff still gives me white-nuckles every time and it's still one of my favorite movies ever.

18- Star Wars: Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith: This film was flawless and an excellent bookend to the trilogy. The fall of Anakin Skywalker is summed up perfectly and Lucas makes his finest work as a director.

17- Jurassic Park: Sure, it sucks if you read the book; but if you haven't it keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time. Bravo Spielberg for bring it to life. PS: Next time, read the book before adapting it.

16- Broken Arrow: Evil John Travolta at his best and his best death scene, c'mon that whole missile through the gut kicks ass. I've seen it a bunch of times since it came out when I was 12 and I will continue to enjoy it. Welcome to American John Woo.

15- T2: Arnold kept his word, he came back... and better than ever.

14- From Russia With Love: My favorite old-Bond Movie and my favorite with Sean Connery puts this at number 14.

13- Superman: This movie made us believe a man could fly.

12- The Rock: Nick Cage, Ed Harris, and Sean Connery all kicking ass in Alcatraz - what more could anyone ask?

11- Aliens: My favorite of the quadrilogy. Thank you Mr. Cameron for stepping in and not only bringing the franchise farther, but raising the bar in the genre itself. "Stay away from her you BITCH!!!"

10- Saving Private Ryan: The best WWII movie of all-time and one of Spielbergs' best films, this movie brings out the cry baby in all of us. The first 20minutes changed me forever.

9- Face Off: Travolta and Cage are both good and evil and kicking butt. Wow! This movie has it all, no wonder it's number 9.

8- Kill Bill Vol 1: I go to pieces whenever I watch this movie, much like the ensemble cast. It's a masterfully directed samurai film that I love and adore. Gotta love Go-Go.

7- Die Hard: Willis' best movie, excluding the one where he played a dead guy (sorry if I ruined it for anyone) not to mention and evil Alan Rickman who made being Hans Gruber look easy. Yippy-Ki-Yay!

6- Tombstone: My favorite western, that's why it makes the list so far up. Surprised I don't own it. Awww crap, now I gotta go buy it. Damn!

5- Star Wars: Episode 5 - The Empire Strikes Back: A perfect sequel and the best of both trilogies, this movie has it all.

4- Jaws: Fake sharks never looked so scary.

3- Bourne Identity: Even though I like the sequel better, if you didn't see the first one you were lost. I love the scene where Will Hunting rides the guy down a spiral stairway and puts one in the guys forehead - genius.

2- Batman: First saw it when I was 5 and I still hold it dear 18 years later. Perfect movie.

1- Raiders of the Lost Ark: My favorite action movie ever, I don't think there's much explanation needed.

Sheesh guys, you made it. Your heads must hurt from boredom or you're ready to go to Blockbuster to relive these memorable moments, I know I am... if I don't own it already. Crap, that reminds me, "Tombstone"!


Friday, June 22, 2007

A review. "Flame On" or "Clobbering Time"?


I'm truly besides myself, wake me because I must be dreaming. Is this a dream? It must be too good to be true.

For those of you who don't know what the hell I'm talking about, allow me to explain. Just got home from the movie theaters (Brick Plaza, to be exact) where I saw some of my more recent favorite films. Now surprisingly, I hit a good streak since every film I've seen in theaters lately I've thoroughly enjoyed. The new film to make this list is the very entertaining sequel -

Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer

Why is it such a shock I enjoyed "FF2"? To be honest, I hated the first one. And let me take you on a trip back in time on why I hated the first film.

I consider myself a DC Buff, whenever something happens in the DC Universe chances are I know about it. Teen Titans, Batman/Superman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern to name a few. So my appreciation for Marvel is limited because frankly I never really got into it. However, there are Marvel series that I absolutely adore: Daredevil, Fantastic Four, & The X-Men. So when news of a "FF" feature was coming out, I nearly torched myself (pun intended). Little did I know that the first film would be a cliche, in your face, cheesy, blasphemous piece of trash that would even make Joel Shumacher blush - and that says a lot.

To me, FF is my favorite of the Marvel Universe; it's funny, smart, action packed, romantic, and has everything X-Men does... but with just a little bit more edge. The first one was a total letdown: horrible character development, bad action sequences, cheesy story, and the whole battle with Dr. Doom at the end just left me scratching my head. It was like a 7 y/o wrote and directed it. I left the theater disappointed (more so than "The Village"), and I vowed never to sit through the horrible piece of 90minute-long garbage that is "FF" ever again.

Then one day I'm playing on youtube, like dorks do, and I see a trailer for "FF2". Could it be real or fan-made? My curiosity got the best of me and I checked it out and what I saw almost gave me a migraine. A trailer to a sequel of a shitty movie - how scary is that? I swore I hated "FF2" without even seeing it, to me it was ludicrous. Why don't we make "Elektra 2" or "Hulk 2" while were at it? What are they thinking? So I went on bashing this trailer and movie to nearly everyone I know.

Then a few months pass....

And I'm shopping BestBuy (a haven for people like me), and something catches my eye - "FF - The Extended Cut". The original cut plus additional 20minutes put in not seen in theaters, a boatload of special features, and a free ticket to "FF: Rise of the Silver Surfer". Could an extra 20mins save this film? Would it actually make it worth-while? Is it worth my money? I swallowed my hatred and sucked it up; and to answer my questions - Yes! It was definitely worth it. Believe it or not, 20 additional minutes did make this movie better. The scenes added gave better rising action and development to not just the story but also the characters. Watching "FF" was actually like watching a good movie, a pretty good movie. Note: If you pick up this little diddy make sure to check out "The Worlds Greatest Comic Magazine" documentary - real awesome.

So now after seeing "FF" as it was meant to be seen I decided to give "FF2" a try, and I loved it. The film starts out in space with the destruction of a planet, for a second I thought they were showing "Superman Returns" by accident. Then we go to our heroes, living lives as heroes in public where they are seen on the news on a regular basis. Reed and Susan are the hottest couple since Bennifer2 and Johnny and Ben get along like, well, Johnny and Ben. Wait! This resembles the comics, whoo'da though?

Let me try to give you a little rundown without ruining the flick for you.

Sue and Reed have tried persistently to get married, each time unsuccessful. Silver Surfer comes and causes havok. Johnny gets into a battle with him, and becomes a bit like X-Mens Rouge, Doom is freed (something I never saw in the trailers) and his role is reprised by Dr. Troy who starts a whole bunch of trouble for our heroes. In the end, as always, evil is beaten (for now) and our heroes live on. 3rd installment definite and I can't wait.

What I loved about this movie was how it actually stayed noble to The Worlds Greatest Comic Magazine and didn't turn it into a big joke. It had story, heart, humor, action, and edge. Isn't that what Fantastic Four is all about? Hey, isn't that what good movies are all about? Now for once good movies and Fantastic Four will be in the same category for quite sometime to come.

Flame On!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Who Let Those Little Muts Go!?!?!?!

Hey guys,

Chris here. After much searching and much wait I finally found one of my favorite SNL skits ever, what better way to enjoy it than to share it. Enjoy. New posts soon.


SNL Will Ferrell Robert Goulet Sings HipHop

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Favorite Film In A Franchise Survey

Hey Guys,

Chris here. Surveys to me are an incredibly guilty (and yes, dorky) pleasure. New posts soon. Later guys.


Favorite Film In A Franchise
Back to the Future:Part 2 (even though 1st one started it all and will always be my favorite, 2 is just incredibly well done.)
The Godfather:Part 2
Harry Potter:& The Chamber Of Secrets
Indiana Jones:& The Last Crusade
James Bond:Tomorrow Never Dies
Jurassic Park:1
Lord of the Rings:The Two Towers
The Matrix:Revolutions
Star Trek:Nemesis
Star Wars:The Empire Strikes Back
Superman:II The Richard Donner Cut
The Terminator:T2
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Life After Bada-Bing


Well, me and almost everyone else in the world caught the final episode of "The Sopranos", was it a good ending? Honestly, I heard rants and raves, bashes and cheers, and applause and boo's, however truthfully I thought it was decent.

The first few seasons of the show I simply couldn't get enough - his relationship with his mother, the harsh language, graphic violence, gratuitous nudity, and crime stories to me were everything a young boy needs. Then like every young boy new shows come and I was introduced to Jack Bauer who has kept me riveted for 6 seasons and counting, or Dr. Jack who makes being stranded on an island look cool. I always did my best to stay on top of issues to what's going on in the Soprano family and I always caught reruns when I could. My problem with it - was like watching a TV version of "Goodfellas", some of the stuff has been done and some of it wasn't, it was a perfect mix of cookie-cutter television and ground-breaking crime stories.

And that is why we loved it.

As for the open-ended ending, I thought it was creative and well executed, even if you think Tony wasn't (forgive the Pun). To me, Tony lives and life goes on - for better or for worse. He'll have his highs and his lows, just like real life. I thought the final diner scene with past characters was very cool, yet a little over the top, and even though the final moments of the show were a bit confusing I felt there was an aspect to it that showed us like other brilliant shows/films do that you never know where the future will take you.

Would I have ended the series like that?

Doubt it. I probably would have put more of a sure-fire finale to it. Bring an end to some stories, wrap up some lose ends, and not leave the audience unfulfilled like many were. To me the finest episode of the series was Season 3 - "The Pine Barrens", Chris, Paulie, and Tony stuck in the wilderness for a day trying to fix a hit gone bad. It was a near perfect episode and almost could've been a feature film. You needed no prior experience with the show to enjoy it, everyone enjoyed it fan or newcomer alike. Plus, it ended with a bit of mystery leaving the audience wanting more - which is what this final episode did as well.

Though the show was never in my Top 5, maybe not even Top 10, I will always like it. Mobster or not everyone could identify with it and it let us escape our lay lives and go to perhaps the most realistic fictional crime life TV has ever created.

To me the show wasn't about the mob, guns, crime, sex, drugs, or the underworld, rather it was about family. The Soprano family, your family, my family, everyones family - were all different but were all the same. Everyone has their share of problems, happiness, skeletons in the closet, fond memories, and most of all love.

I truly found the scene with Tony and Uncle Junior brilliant when they're talking about him and Tony's dad running Jersey. Almost about to shed a tear I must say. It was a metaphor for the whole series itself - family.

Was it the best finale ever?

No. "Six Feet Under" was superior to it, being the best finale I've ever seen - truly brilliant. "Newhart" surpassed it as well, even 2 decades after its end. I do feel "The Sopranos" finale will be remembered for a while; not for good and not for bad, rather than for closure. The series is over, like it or not, and it's up to you to say what happens - what's not cool about that? 10 years or so from now I can picture people standing around the water-cooler debating their favorite and least favorite finales and I don't think "Sopranos" will be on many of either lists. It will stay under the tree-line, much like "Raymond" where it was just another episode. It won't be bashed like "Seinfeld" or praised like "Mash", it will just be a finale like any other show. It didn't get cocky or high and mighty with it's ending, which is what I respect.

Everyone was just waiting for Tony to get shot but instead they were showing how they just lived 'normal lives' just like everyday people. They don't show what happens to them, we don't know because that's life, you don't know what's gonna happen. I think that pretty much sums it up.

R-I-P "The Sopranos"
Hell hath no fury like The Family


Movie Survey

WHAT iS Y0UR FAV0RiTE M0ViE?:Childhood: Back To The Future / Adult: JFK / Current: Hollywoodland. Yes, I'm picky.
WHAT iS Y0UR FAV0RiTE ACT0R?:Edward Norton & John Cussack
WHAT M0ViE HAVE Y0U RENTED LATELY?:Again.... Blood Diamond, Netflix is a godsend
WHAT iS Y0UR FAV0RiTE 0LD M0ViE?:Hmmmm, Star Wars. Technically it's 30 years old now.
WHAT iS Y0UR FAV0RiTE NEW RELEASE?:Hollywoodland & Smokin' Aces.
WH0 iS THE H0TTEST ACT0R?:James Spader... dreamboat hahahah
WH0 iS THE H0TTEST ACTRESS?:Drew Barrymoore... I know, I'm nuts.
WHAT iS Y0UR FAV0RiTE R0MANTiC M0ViE?:There's Something About Mary
WHAT iS Y0UR FAV0RiTE COMEDY?:Ferris Bueller's Day Off
WHAT iS Y0UR FAV0RiTE CHiCK FLiCK?:Pretty Woman? Not sure. haha
WHAT iS Y0UR FAV0RiTE DiSNEY M0ViE?:Live Action: Pirates of Carribbean / Animated: Alladin
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Monday, June 11, 2007

Where is Biff now?


And better than ever.

Confessions Of A Surveying Junkie

2 surveys in 2 days?!?!?! I know what's up don't worry, however I must admit I did a small ounce of fun doing the last one so I figured doing a second wouldn't hurt. This survey is better than the last one though, so enjoy. New Posts soon.


Ten bands/artists you couldn't live without:
[1] 311
[2] Foo Fighters
[3] Red Hot Chili Peppers
[4] Jon Bon Jovi
[5] Aerosmith
[6] Jimmy Eat World
[7] Something Corporate
[8] Hellogoodbye
[9] Alanis Morissette
[10] The Police

Nine albums that are important to you:
[1] Foo Fighters - Nothing Left To Lose
[2] 311 - From Chaos
[3] Blink 182 - Enema Of The State
[4] Further Seems Forever - How To Start A Fire
[5] Something Corporate - Leaving Through The Window
[6] Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American
[7] Ben Folds - Rocking The Suburbs
[8] Anberlin - Blueprints For The Blackmarket
[9] Further Seems Forever - The Moon Is Down

Eight movies you'd watch over and over:
[1] Hollywoodland
[2] Back To The Future
[3] Unbreakable
[4] Ferris Bueller's Day Off
[5] Pirates Of The Caribbean
[6] Batman Begins
[7] JFK
[8] Dogma

Seven things that annoy you:
[1] Taxes
[2] People who complain about widescreen formatted dvd's, get with it!!!
[3] Senior citizens who take forever to tell a story that has no importance whatsoever.
[4] Lines for machines at the gym.
[5] Drunk drivers.
[6] My dvd player - it's a piece of shit (New Xbox360 in not-so-distant future)
[7] Movie flubs, like the vassoline that suddenly vanishes in the drawer in "American Pie" or how in "Spiderman" where Mary Jane is being mugged by four guys, Spiderman throws two of the men into two windows behind Mary Jane. The camera goes back to Spiderman beating up the other two guys. When the camera goes back to Mary Jane the two windows are fine. Fucking slackers!!

Six of your favorite songs:
[1] Foo Fighters - Everlong
[2] Billy Joel - We Didn't Start The Fire
[3] Wallflowers - One Headlight
[4] Rob Thomas - Small Wonders
[5] Good Charolette - We Believe
[6] Huey Lewis And The News - Hip to be Square

Five TV shows you watch regularly:
[1] Lost
[2] 24
[3] Smallville
[4] The Office
[5] Seinfeld (gone but not forgotten, I still watch reruns every night.)

Four of your all-time- magazines:
[1] Movie Monthly
[2] Maxim
[3] Rolling Stone
[4] Galls Catalog

Three albums you've bought recently:
[1] Dashboard Confessional - Dusk And Summer
[2] U2 - 18 Singles
[3] Hellogoodbye - Zombies!Aliens!Vampires!Dinosaurs!. I bought that about 5 months ago and I know I've bought other things since, just can't think of them right now. I have bought a lot of singles off itunes but the survey asks for albums and not singles. Yes, I sometimes only buy singles from popular radio songs off itunes instead of full albums. Yes, I can be a tool sometimes. Hey, atleast I admit it.

Two Musicians/Actors you would like to date:
[1] Kelly Clarkson.
[2] Mandy Moore.

One Band whos music would be described as writing the soundtrack of your life:
[1] Well, this is a tough one. Though after some deliberation I'm going with the Foo Fighters. Yeah, that'll work. Or Michael Jackson.... just kidding.

AFI or Coheed and Cambria: Coheed, no doubt.
Nirvana or AC/DC: Oh god! Nirvana.
Dashboard Confessional or Bright Eyes: Never even heard of Bright Eyes, does that make me less cool? So I guess I'll have to go with Dashboard.
Avril Lavigne or Fefe Dobson: Is Fefe Dobson still around? Haven't heard from her in a while. Oh, my answer is Avril.
Something Corporate or Yellowcard: WTF!!!! Something Corporate!
Puddle Of Mudd or Staind: Ummmmmmm, I don't think so.
Britney or Christina: Eh, Britney.
Justin or JC: Bitch or Butch?
Nick or Aaron: Who wrote this survey anyways?!
The Spice Girls or Hilary Duff: I'll admit it, when I was 12 I had the Spice Girls album. Spice Girls.
Hoobastank or Incubus: Incubus... duh!

---------ABOUT YOU---------
`Name: Chris
`Birthday: 3-1-84
`Hair Color: Dirty blond, now that I have hair again
`Eye color: Blue
`Skipped School: Oh god yeah!
`Kissed/French?: I am 23
`Loved someone/who/how manys times?: Can't say.
`Brothers/Sisters: 1 sister.
`Your Bedtime: Depends.

---------HAVE YOU EVER---------
`Ever been so drunk you blacked out: Never actually.
`Put a body part on fire for amusement: Can't say I did.
`Been in a car accident: Not while I was driving, few close calls though.
`Been hurt emotionally: Incredibly.
`Kept a secret from everyone: Yes.
`Wanted to hook up with a friend: Surely.
`Cried during a Movie: Guilty as charged.
`Had a crush on a teacher: My art teacher in high school was pretty hot.
`Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Jessica Rabbit all the way!!
`Had a New Kids on the Block tape: HAHAHHAHAHA! Ummmm no.
`Been on stage: Several times.
`Cut your hair: Shaved it for 9 months straight.
`Been sarcastic: I live therefore I am.

`Shampoo: Suave
`Soap: Ivory
`Color: Blue
`Lace or satin: I don't know actually.
`Cartoon Characters: Peter Venkman (Real Ghostbusters)
`Fav Food: Cheeseburger
`Fav Outfit: Jeans and Polo.
`Fav Advertisement: Any with William Shatner. SHOP! COMPARE! SAVE!
`Fav Movie: Currently - Hollywoodland
`Fav Ice Cream: Cookies and cream.
`Fav Subject: TV/Film production.
`Fav Drink: Tropical Citrus Vitamin Water

------------RIGHT NOW------------
`Doing: Online survey, aduh.
`I'm feeling: Warm.
`Eating: Going to get something soon.
`Drinking: Nothing yet
`Thinking about: Errands to do today.
`Listening to: Itunes
`Talking to: Nobody

---------LAST 24 HRS---------
`Cried: Nope
`Worn a skirt: Ummm, Im a guy.. but yes I have ;-)
`Met someone new: Think so.
`Cleaned your room: I clean it everyday.
`Drove a car: A few.

----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN----------
`Friends: Yes.
`Santa Clause: Not anymore.
`Tooth Fairy: Never actually
`Destiny/Fate: Used to.
`Angels: Sure
`Ghosts: Why wouldn't I.
`UFO's: Yes, but only the nice ones like "Close Encounters", not the mean ones from "ID4" or "War of the Worlds" though those movies kicked ass too.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Bored Before Work.

Greetings friends,

Chris here. Few hours to kill before work so I thought I'd do a little survey. Enjoy it guys. New posts soon. Later.

IF SO WHO:No one
BROKEN DA LAW:Ha, not likely.
WHAT WAS THE REASON:Eh, it's pretty technical.
CAR:Honda Element
DRINK:Tropical Citrus Vitamin Water
SONG:HMmmmmm.. Tough one, changes a lot. However I'd have to go with "Everlong" by the Foo Fighters
MOVIE:Adult- JFK / Kid- Back To The Future
BOOK:"Night Fall" by Nelson Demille
CANDY:Red Hot Dollars
QUOTE:"I make it cool to be a dork" - Myself.
HOLIDAY:Christmas is pretty good.
T.V SHOW:Sitcom - The Office / Drama - Lost
PERFUME:Ummmm if I wear cologne it's Ralph Lauren
SPORT:To watch - Football / To do- Weightlifting
*ArE yOu*
ANNOYING:Not at liberty to say, ask some ex-girlfriends.
SPOILED:Again.... ex-girlfriends.
CRY BABY:Nah, I'm not a cryer. Unless "Shawshank Redemption", "ET", or "Jack" is on. Then it's Niagra Falls all the way.
SENSITIVE:All depends with who I'm with.
ROMANTIC:Again... depends.
MEAN:Only when I want to be.
HOW MANY THINGS DO U REGRET:Not many actually. I can't say I regret rather that I learn from my mistakes.
DO U REGRET BEING WITH SOMEONE:Hmmm I did regret not getting it right with someone but I got over it, moved on, and learned from it.
DO U MISS ANYONE..WHO:Same person.
DO U WANT KIDS:Very much, 5 years or so.
WANT TO GET MARRIED:Yes. Again, in another 5 years. 28 is a good age to start I think.
DO U HAVE A CELLPHONE:Yes a razor. I like these new palm-pilots though. After I get my 360 and Video Ipod those will have to be my next electronic investment. Soon, very soon.
WHATS THE NUMBER:411 it dude.
WHATS YOUR BEDTIME:Don't really have one, just depends if I'm tired. Also I can work late sometimes so it depends on what time I get out of there.
WITH WHO:Hard to say since I wasn't sure.
WITH WHO:Nobody.
WHO:Jeez, did you not understand my answer from the last question.
WHO:1 or 2 girls from the gym.
DO THEY KNOW:I think so. I've been meaning to ask one out but she hasnt beent there in a while. Damn!! Oh well, it'll happen when it happens.
PERSON U KISSED:Wow, Ummmm not sure. Been a while.
THING U ATE:Peanut Butter sandwich.
SONG U SANG:I hummed a few bars to DMB's "American Baby", does that count?
PERSON U SENT A TEXT MESSAGE:Lori, she's infamous for that.
PERSON U WROTE A LETTER TO:Ummmm not sure. I think I sent out some emails to the guys at work.
MOVIE U SAW:Video - "Blood Diamond" / Movies - "Smokin Aces", both were excellent and worth checking out. Oh and both had gorgeous female leads, Jennifer Connelly and Alicia Keys. WOW!
PERSON TO MAKE U MAD:I don't really get mad.
PERSON TO SLAP U:Kelly, hahaha. All was forgiven however.
PERSON TO STEAL UR HEART:Ummm 5th Amendment.
PERSON U YELLED AT:Not a yeller.... well, almost not a yeller.
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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Catch And Release


I know I've been doing an awful lot of film reviews and pop-culture related blogs lately and I assure you, those will be less and less often and I promise to have more with topics about personal issues and things going on in the world. So take this blog for what it is and enjoy it.

Last night I caught a film that I'd expect that I'd hate and it turned out I loved: "Catch and Release". Now, I'm not a big fan of romantic comedies or chick flicks although there are some I've fallen victim to. However, I feel that there was bad marketing done with this film since I feel only a portion of it dealt with romance and female-issues. This isn't so much a film about love as much as it is a film about friendship.

What first attracted me to this film is the fact that Kevin Smith (brilliant entertainer whether it be directing, stand-up, or acting) had a role in it. I expected it to be a glorified cameo but instead was wowed when he turned out having a major role in the film and in fact, he's the third credited actor in the credits. On top of that, one might think he's in the film merely as comic relief - and he is, but he's also the voice of reason in the film which I thought was excellent.

The movie itself starts at a funeral. Gray (played by Jennifer Garner) is grieving with having lost her in a sudden accident the day before her wedding, which I don't think they explain. Doesn't matter anyway, guy is dead - end of story. So now, she's left to live in their house together with his 2 roomates Sam (Kevin Smith) and Dennis (Some other guy). Sam very funny and easy-going but also very naive. Remember when I said he was also the voice of reason? Well, it's funny how his character is written; not only is he a little dimwitted but he's very honest about life and lighthearted which makes his character even better. Dennis (Sam's brother, played by the other guy), is the very responsible by-the-book kind of guy who can be bit of a control freak and keeps Sam in line sometimes. There's also Fritz, who is this ultra-cool Advertising Exec who ends up falling for Gray and vice-versa - that's the love story segment.

The films main theme is a group of friends coming to terms with themselves and the fact that their best friend has just died. It's a personal journey of acceptance and looking to the future, something I didn't expect out of it and something I learned a lot from - and saying I learned something new and important from a movie truly says something. Skeletons come out of their dead friends closet which everyone must come to terms with, even Gray; but by the end everyone is able to accept what's happened and move on to the future.

I really enjoyed the movie because it deals a lot with friendship and looking to the future rather than being a cliche' romantic film. Kevin Smith truly stole the movie however everyone in it acted really well. I do plan on getting this movie to own so that I can watch whenever I feel discouraged about something negative that happened so I can get some guidance. I guess it will go on my shelf next to "High Fidelity" (the ultimate break-up movie) which I watch whenever a girl breaks my heart.

I already mentioned this movie to some people I know and everyone so far has said the same things and have all said they liked it. I recommend it to anyone who wants to watch a good light-hearted movie or to anyone who needs a little motivation to look for the future.

This is probably my last movie blog for a while, I'll try to put more blogs up about myself and about issues out there. However, it's hard for me to do blogs about myself since I try to avoid putting my job and whatnot on the internet. Anyways, look for new posts and enjoy the weekend. Later guys.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Were Ready To Believe You

Well folks, I can no longer officially wait to get my XBOX 360. It looks as if a "Ghostbusters" game is coming out for the 360 in the not-so-distant future and it looks quite impressive. Expected to come out sometime this fall or winter; we can expect to see Peter, Egon, Ray, and Winston showing some "pre-historic bitch how we do things downtown".

Also, a new installment of the series "Ghostbusters: Generation" is slated to come out early this fall with a whole new cast of characters. I've been following the development of the film frequently and it looks real well done.

It's good to see franchises and series from my childhood making a comeback. Too bad, "Back To The Future: The Ride" has been closed forever to make way for a new "Simpsons" attraction, though I'm sure it will be awesome. If you're a frequent visitor of youtube.com you should check out some of the fake demos made for "Back To The Future" the game, looks great. Anyways, I'll be back with more posts and updates of the game and movie and life later.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

& To Your Left


That's correct. The picture you see in the top left corner is me 15 years ago in my power wheels with Kelly (the little sister). One of my favorite pictures of us from our childhood I added a bunch to my computer and decided to post one right on the blog. There might be more to come, so stop on by and see what else I might have in store. New posts soon.


Sunday, June 3, 2007

DVD Frustration

Friends and strangers alike will always consider me a true and noble film-buff and they're right. I admit it, I am a true movie fanatic and I am proud of it. To me, there's no better way to spend a rainy afternoon then on your favorite chair with a stack of dvd's to let the time go by whether they're new, old, rented, or personal favorites. And, if you consider yourself to be a true film-buff then chances are you own your good share of DVDs in an extensive and eclectic library.

I can remember the first DVD I ever bought, I was 15 years old and a sophomore in High School. It was on New Years Eve and I was at The Wiz in Monmouth Mall where I purchased my first DVD - "Deep Blue Sea" (yes, that shark movie with Sam Jackson). Since then my taste in movies have gotten better, much better and my collection in DVDs has gotten large, much larger. So much that I have run out of room on my shelves and racks and had to resort to keeping them under my TV in the cabinet; because, well lets face it, if they can't all look nice as a collection then why put them out in the first place.

Also, when one movie-buff meets a fellow movie-buff don't be surprised if they get into a verbal competition to see who's the cooler (or geekier) of the two by comparing what DVDs they own and how many copies they have. I myself have gotten into this debacle my share of times, sometimes winning and sometimes losing. Hey, nobody is perfect.

So if you didn't already figure when a new hit film has come out it would seem logical for any film/DVD collector to run out and purchase it for his/her collection library. Correct. That's exactly right, and why wouldn't we. I can't tell you how many times I've set my alarm early and have change my schedule around just to get to Best Buy to get a copy of a brand new released DVD I wanted hot off the presses. There have been times when I've been the stores first customer to get the movie I've been dying to own, a scary thought I know.

Okay, I think you get the point. This blog is not about me or my DVD collection, but merely an introduction on where my frustration comes from. What this blog is really about is how Hollywood literally robs its customers with DVDs. No, not with prices (although that can be argued as well) but with the actual DVD releases. Or to be more specific, the amount of releases a film actually gets on DVD.

Lets be more specific, perhaps even use an example.
"Fantastic 4" as seen to your right is an actual DVD released about 2 years ago. Okay, great. And if you were a fan of the movie (which I wasn't), but nonetheless if you were there was nothing to prevent you from running out and buying this film for your collection. Then you would own "Fantastic 4", own it forever, enjoy everything it has to offer and then you wouldn't have to worry about buying "Fantastic 4" ever again. Right? You'd think that, but no. Get this, check this out.
Look below. That's right, "Fantastic 4" a Special Edition DVD has come out. Oh, and it wasn't released with the first DVD; No, that would make it somewhat acceptable. This DVD just came out within the past month. What the hell is that? Do they expect us to buy the same movie more than once? Why couldn't they just release the full package all at once in one box? No, that would be too easy. Instead they rip off their customers by releasing on DVD at one time and then BOOM, a few months pass and they release a newer better edition of a film. So if you owned the first version you were now left with having to get his other if you wanted to enjoy its deleted scenes, special features, and such. What a rip-off? Why couldn't just one box set be made? What's so hard about that? So now any and all "Fantastic 4" fans feel naked without the newest version of their beloved film and they must go out and spend another 20+ dollars if they want everything the film has to offer. What a jip.

And believe it or not, this sort of thing happens quite often. More often then not and I have become victim to this horrid excuse of Corporate America Rape of Film Loving Citizens. So I hope you get the point so far on what this blog is actually about. No I'd like you to bear with me a while, while I give you a little rundown on scams I've fallen victim to and inexcusable robberies that have taken place on this countries soil.

Superman: Yes, even the Man of Steel has become guilty of robbing it's loyal fanfare with several releases of of the same films. Check this out: "Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition". Wow! What a great buy, and more importantly it has every major "Superman" film ever released and then some - "Superman - The Movie", "Superman II", "Superman II - The Richard Donner Cut", "Superman III", "Superman IV - The Quest for Peace", "Superman Returns". So you'd think if you were a Superman fan this DVD collection would hold you over forever, right? Wrong! Notice the name of the box set: "Ultimate Collectors Edition", I don't know how "Ultimate" it will be when "Superman 6" comes out in 2009 and the 7Th installment come out after that. And Brian Synger has already announced they're in the works. What is that? So what? Are you telling me there are going to be 2 more "Ultimate Collector's Edition"'s to follow. What will they be called "Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition 2 & 3". So why would Hollywood release a box set when the whole collection isn't finished? I'll tell you why. To rip us off, and we all fell for it. Even me. What a rip off. So out of curiosity I took it upon myself to see how many versions "Superman Returns" actually was made on DVD on it's release. Take a guess. Give up: 9. Yes, 9 different editions of the same movie all within a year of it's DVD release. That is a joke.

Indiana Jones: In 2003 all our dreams came true. "Indiana Jones" made his debut onto DVD
in what's called : "The Adventures of Indiana Jones - The Complete DVD Movie Collection". Note, the "Complete" in the title. Well, I don't know if you've been living under a rock but "Indiana Jones 4" is already in the works as we speak. So does that mean that another box set of the series will have to be released. Probably, and what about everyone who bought the first box set? Were screwed. What a jip. One question: will the title of the old box set be changed to "The Adventures of Indiana Jones - The Incomplete DVD Movie Collection"? Just a thought.

The Matrix: Okay, anyone with half a brain knows that this is a DVD essential. So with that in
mind 3 years ago at the completion of the trilogy your best buy was "The Ultimate Matrix Collection". And why wouldn't it be? 10 discs, all 3 movies, plus the animatrix series. Truly essential. And then what happens. This: Yeah that's right. The release of "The Complete Matrix Trilogy". Packed for
your viewing pleasure of all 3 "Matrix" films with Brand-Spanking-New features. Well, what about the 10 disc "Ultimatrix" edition. What a frigging rip-off!

The Departed: Okay, this is where the gloves come off. Yes, the Best Picture of 2007 and Scorsese himself have ripped us off big-time. I just counted on Amazon.com and there are 7 different versions of this film released on DVD. Count em: 7. And not just a "Special Edition" DVD, that would be too easy. No there are actually 3, yes 3 different "Special Editions" of this film besides just the actual plain old widescreen/fullscreen formatted DVDs. Let's take a few seconds to actually talk about each quote-unquote "Special Edition" version of "The Departed". The 1st "Special Edition" and probably the most popular is just a 2-disc set. One disc is the feature in widescreen and the second disc is special features. Okay, that doesn't sound bad. In fact, it's a good deal. Only thing now is that there are 2 more "Special Editons". The second is a 2 disc edition, probably the same as the other. Only this one, comes in a metal-tin case and has collectible art. And now, for the 3rd: This one has the same 2 disc edition only this package comes with the script of the film. Here's an idea: NO! Wouldn't the more productive solution be this: A 2 disc edition of the film (1 the feature the 2ND the special features), collectible art, the script, all packaged together in a metal-tin case. That would contain everything in 1 package instead of 3 different versions of the same freaking thing!! What a waste of manpower, money, and products. No wonder resources in this world are so low, too much mass-production of different versions of the same thing. Thanks for nothing Scorsese!!

Do some research for yourself and you'll see how many versions of the same film are actually out there. And you'd be surprised on how many films this actually happens with: dozens and dozens. Go shopping for some of your favorite films on amazon or best buy and you'll see what I mean. I'd post every singe one if I could but there's only so much time in 1 day and I just wanted to give you only so many examples before your brain went numb with dorkiness. But, I think you get the point on what I'm trying to explain. Be careful in your DVD shopping future. Later guys.


Saturday, June 2, 2007

Soundtrack & Such

Yes Yes Yes,

Everyone what you hear and what you see to your left is true - the soundtrack to my life & my blog. It's a compilation of all my favorite songs from favorite bands, albums, and movies. Each song is something special and means something to me and I love them all deeply. Some for obvious reasons, while others not so obvious. I hope you like the songs and enjoy the tunes while you read. Take care everyone. New posts soon.
