Friday, March 21, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

7-page article about "Rush Hour 3"... kinda.

Hey everyone,

Chris here, again. Note: This is not a 7-page article, merely just a summary/editorial of one that I just read concerning "Rush Hour 3"... kinda.

Oh, and in case you were curious - the article in question is "The Popcorn King" as seen here.

As the title of this blog may/may not have fooled you, it's not so much about "Rush Hour 3" as it is more about it's director: Brett Ratner, whose movies have gone KA-BLAMMO (hope I spelt that right) both in box-office and on the screen.

For those of you who aren't film-geeks, like me, or who just don't follow film; Brett Ratner is possibly one of today's most successful movie-makers. His films include (Rush Hour 1,2,&3, Family Man, Red Dragon, Money Talks, After The Sunset, and X3). He is both praised and pissed on for his films and honestly I didn't know why, even after reading "Popcorn King". By the way, you should read that article.

The article basically points out that Ratner may quite possibly have no tallent as a filmmaker, be a publicity whore, and doesn't know when to just let sleeping dogs lie.

Like everyone else in the world I was first introduced to Brett Ratner with "Money Talks" in 1997, ya know that action-comedy with Charlie Sheen and Smokey from "Friday". However, I didn't know who Brett Ratner was until I saw "Red Dragon" (also my favorite movie of '02), prequel to "Silence Of The Lamb", and I was amazed. "Who is this guy?" I kept asking. Little did I know that this guy also made the "Rush Hour" movies and the tear-jerking Christmas flick "Family Man".

After that I became a Brett Ratner fan and began following his movies. But in case you never picked up a People Magazine or watch Entertainment Tonight, it's hard not to miss Brett Ratner. After all, this is the 37 year-old guy who got with Lindsay Lohan. And even though that might be admirable, it's still a little weird.

I mean come on, he's supposed to be an artist.

So what is he doing partying with Paris Hilton or sporting all this bling and fashion, only being able to afford it by making the shark-jumping "X3". So yeah, "Popcorn King" did make a few good points.

However, I am still a firm believer that one shouldn't judge an artist by his/her personal life but by their professional. Whis is what I still stick to.

Yeah, Brett Ratner made a few clunkers. Although, I did kinda like "After The Sunset".. it was a good popcorn movie. Hence "Popcorn King". But I didn't like "X3". But that would be like saying one shouldnt like "Sleepy Hollow" because they didn't like "Mars Attacks" (I love both by the way).

In essence, "Popcorn King" proved and disproved some points. Yeah, he might be a 38 year old kid but he knows how to make a good flick. Who didn't like "Family Man" or "Red Dragon". C'mon.

As for "Rush Hour 3": it's actually getting minimal buzz on Rotten Tomatoes which isn't good but it's early. After all, people though "Bourne Identity" was gonna flop 5 years ago, and well, did you see Box-Office charts last week?

But when the fastest hands in the east team up with the biggest mouth in the west we'll be there and when the director is trying to make a statement through the art of film we'll understand the words that are coming out of his mouth.


7-page article about "

Saturday, July 28, 2007


According to MovieNews, Zachary Quinto A.K.A. Skylar from "Heroes" (yes one of my three fave series on the air right now) has just been cast to play Spock in the next installment of the "Star Trek" movie series - a prequel I believe.

Am I happy with this?

Sure, he kicks ass on the show and I'm sure he'll do no less in the ST flick.

Would I cast him?

Not necessarily. I probably would've gone with Adrien Brody (yeah, guy from "Pianist"). Not only is he a brilliant actor but his bone/facial structure is a perfect match for Nimoys looks but so is Quinto.

As for Kirk?

Online rumors go with Matt "Jason Bourne" Damon. Can he match the horrifically good acting as the shat - maybe, it's a toss-up but I can't think of anyone else better. As for now, we'll see and check what plays out.

Mr. Sulu - can we go with William Hung?

Friday, July 27, 2007

A Britney Blog

Note: Though it may go without saying, I am not an avid fan/follower of Britney Spears. I however do not live in a hole and am aware of what goes on in the world. Hence, there are certain times when talking about the Sweetheart turned Slut that I do in fact know what I'm talking about.... hence, this blog.

Note: Though it may go without saying that my previous blog was also about a teen star turned d-bag I would like to again assure you that I am not an avid fan/follower of either star or their fellow artists/actresses - however I wouldn't mind sleeping with them. Again, I simply do not live in a hole and a situation has come up that leads me to again write about a pop-star. I can assure you that I do not follow their misadventures through "US Weekly" and I do not buy their albums. I'm just trying to write a blog.

On that note I hope you see that 2 blogs back to back about pop-stars is purely coincidental and not a frequent thing I write about. With that said, enjoy the blog. PS: Yes, I'm straight.... I just said I'd sleep with them didn't I?

A Britney Blog

I'm at they gym today (as always) and a work-out buddy of mine pops up on the elliptical next to me. Pop-princess Britney Spears comes on the TV screen in front of us and we start talking about the buzz-headed beauty.

Through the coarse of our conversation I make a statement, be it a small one that goes a little something like this....
"I remember when she was on Mickey Mouse Club."
If I remember correctly we were speaking about how long Britney has been around.

So anyways....
He comes back with this:
"Noooo, she was on Kids Incorporated"
An innocent yet understandable mistake to make. After all, bother were on Disney Channel in the afternoon and KI did have Ghost Whispering hottie in the ensemble - Jennifer Love Hewitt.

I correct him, then he tries correcting me.. then vice-versa, and so-on, and so-forth.

After 30 seconds were two grown men on ellipticals arguing over what show Britney Spears was on when she was a kid.

To make a long-story short we end up agreeing to disagree, change conversation, and forget the whole thing. Only now to look back on it and laugh on future elliptical adventures.

You'd think letting sleeping dogs lie would be enough for me right? Think again.

So I come home and put my curious little fingers to the internet - First Wikipedia and would you believe it? All my geekiness paid off.

I was right he was wrong, Britney was on MMC and not KI. The smell of victory - it's a beautiful thing.

So again, you'd think that would be enough for me right? 3 different sources all stating that Briney Spears was never an ensemble member of Kids Incorporated.

However, would partial credit be given to the loser if person in question did a guest appearance on alternate show? It's enough to look into. And now, I was off to IMDB.

After much research I am found correct again that Britney Spears was not or will ever be a credited cast member on Kids Incorporated in any way, shape, or form.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get a life.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Eh, I'd Still Hit That.

It's a shame. Now Leno had to haul ass back to the producers only hours before his broadcast to change his guest line-up because a certain someone (yes, the "Freaky Friday" chick) got busted again for DUI and possession of cocaine.

Am I surprised?

Not really. What would you expect when you give a 19 year old a 20million dollar movie contract? You can only expect her to put a large part of it up her nose. Is it really that hard to believe a life of fame, fortune, and film would lead a young girl downward to a life of drug use? Not for me.

It should be noted however that I still consider this girl to be very beautiful and talented..... when she wants to be. I mean come on, that whole gun scene in "Bobby" was Oscar-worthy (one of my favorite movies in 2006) and for a 23 year old male to be entertained by "Mean Girls" really says something.

However, once again the media has taken this for all that it's worth and has run with it. Wow! There's a shock. It's unfortunate that the same people who will read and follow her relapses and mishaps just so they can bad-mouth her at the dinner table are the same people who take their children to see her movies.

Hypocrites if you ask me. And we wonder why our youth is so poisoned by todays pop-culture phenomena. If you ask me, parents are to blame. Probably Miss Lohan's problems also, a responsible parent would intervene, step in, and manage their child responsibly - not race them to the bottom of the bottle.

Do I think her new movie will do well?

Oh, it's very convenient that these things happen right before a big premiere.

Probably. Any publicity is good publicity. Were the same people that made Paris Hilton "America's Sweetheart" whens she released her sex-tape for the world to see. Let's not extend our hand to Lindsey Lohan while were at it.

As for the "anorexia"....... Nobody's perfect. I think to this day she's gorgeous even if she skips a few meals to do so. Call me sexist if you will, but if a person chooses to go to measures to make themselves attractive that is their decision and those who find her attractive shouldn't be accountable for another persons actions.

"Well aren't her skinny arms just appalling?" You ask.

Funny, I wasn't looking at her arms.

Later guys,
